An interesting paper demonstrating an interpretable method for deep vision models was implmented in PyTorch for a project I did in Spring 2021.
A note ahead of time: all equations and images are from the original paper (v4) unless otherwise specified.
Obviously, all credit goes to the authors.
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Something I had considered recently was “how much is this sentence like another?” I figured it would be an interesting exploration at the intersection of natural language processing, statistics, and information theory. It certainly motivates the application of theory and data gathering. To be surem there are even many levels...
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There are many times during my degree where I heard my friends, and professors, describe group theory, number theory, combinatorics, etc. as directly pertinent in application to computer science. I do consider this a valid perspective, no question. However, I have also heard that analysis does not directly pertain to...
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The capstone is a project where a team works with industry partners (aka the sponsors) to build a product according to the sponsors’ specifications.
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